Baby Boomer Interior Design

Baby Boomer Interior Design Trends

Baby Boomers have long shaped the consumer landscape. As this dynamic generation heads into retirement, their demands for both style and function continue to be a positive influence on the interior design world. In planning what is likely to be their last homes, Baby Boomer retirees are clamoring for affordable furnishings and design plans that meet their changing needs. There are many qualities that Baby Boomers look for in their interior design plans. The following six baby boomer interior design style trends are currently on the rise:


1. Low Maintenance Homes — Ease of care tops the list when older adults are decorating their homes. While Baby Boomers still want to display the art objects that hold personal meaning, they do not want unnecessary clutter getting in the way. In a low maintenance home, less is definitely more. Hardwood floors, travertine surfaces, and house plants with lower water needs are just a few of the ways that Baby Boomers reduce their home’s

Baby Boomer Interior Design Trends

2. Better Interior Lighting — As eyesight weakens, adequate interior lighting becomes essential. In addition to offering general lighting, this includes adding plenty of task lighting throughout the home. Lighting under kitchen cabinets and thoughtfully placed reading lamps make a big difference in a comfortable living environment.

3. Smaller Furnishings — Many Baby Boomers are planning to downsize or have already moved into smaller homes. Overstuffed chairs and large, bulky furniture feel cramped in smaller rooms. However preferred furniture need not be delicate. Danish modern, contemporary and transitional design styles combine both sturdy and sleek elements to create space-saving looks that appeal to a variety of shoppers.Baby Boomer Interior Design

4. Comfort and Function — The 55 and older set know better than to sacrifice comfort for the sake of fashion. They do not want to sink deeply into furniture when couches and chairs with structured cushions make it much easier to stand up again. Yet, Baby Boomers are also discerning and will shop around for furniture that offers both function and style. With this in mind, designers are producing new furnishings that meet both criteria.

5. Eclectic Styles — Often Baby Boomers have identified with many design styles over the course of their lives. Perhaps travel has led to collecting art objects and accent furniture from other countries as well. Instead of designing each room in a different style, a home will feel more harmonious if elements of these styles are combined throughout each room in what is known as eclectic design.

6. Multipurpose Living Areas — As Baby Boomers downsize their homes, they still want the flexibility of accommodating visiting family or friends. A den or study closed off by a door can double as a guest room with the addition of a pull-out sofa or inflatable air bed. Combining the kitchen and family room is a popular design trend that allows Baby Boomers to easily visit with their guests while still preparing meals.Baby Boomer Interior Design Trends

With their discerning taste and confidence born from varied life experiences, Baby Boomers know what they want in a design style. Though young adults may be a desired demographic among advertisers, Baby Boomers are a generation who continue to positively influence our society’s interior design trends.